It's hard to believe that our little girl is 1 1/2! In some ways, these past 18 months have gone by so quickly, and in other ways, I often find myself wondering where that tiny little baby we brought home from the hospital has gone!
Lydia continues to LOVE being outside and it's finally warming up so that she can get out there more often. She enjoys picking flowers (and grass) and pointing out the birds, trees, rocks, etc. to us. She likes to go for a stroll with Daddy, Mommy and Pepper, too. Lydia also got to hunt for Easter eggs for the first time this month and was thrilled by that. It seems like she surprises us more and more every day with the amount of words she knows and uses properly. She has a vocabulary of more than 50 words and five or six short phrases (with "I don't know" being a favorite - complete with hands out to the side and a shoulder shrug!) We are definitely seeing her personality more and sometimes she can be quite the ham! Some
other activities Lydia enjoys is "helping" Mommy unload the dishwasher (and she does a good job!), cleaning anything she can reach w/ a cloth or paper towel (I'm hoping this continues to be so much fun for her!), listening to music, and of course, reading and looking at books.