Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving! We have much to thank the Lord for, and one very special blessing is pictured above. I cannot help but be thankful each time I clean tiny fingerprints off the glass tables or pick up toys in my living room that I have been given a reason to do so!
We were fortunate enough to be invited to a [big] beautiful beach house with some of our dear friends from college! Lydia had a blast playing with the other nine children who were there! Although Hurricane Ida was a problem initally, we did eventually make it out to the beach and to the aquarium, which was a lot of fun! We enjoyed catching up with some college friends and relaxing for a few days!
Lydia and Karis
Is this turtle real?!
Yep, that's Daddy...
Touching the water, but NOT the stingrays!
We have a pic like this from last year and it's amazing to see how much bigger she is now!
We took a somewhat impromptu and very quick trip to Pilot Mountain, NC a few weekends ago! It was sooooo cold, so we could only stay for literally a few minutes. It was beautiful, though, and we were able to see the handiwork of God from a beautiful perspective!
Thanks for taking the time to visit our blog! We hope you enjoy seeing what God is doing in our lives! Please leave us a message or let us know how we can pray for you!