Okay, so I am a little late with this post... We have been so busy during the month of December, and I am just now getting around to posting Lydia's monthly update, while at the same time uploading Christmas pictures... In addition to this month going by so quickly, Lydia has continued to be a "trooper" in the midst of a hectic time. We know now, however, that she was just getting prepared for the crazy Christmas travels that were in store... :) We celebrated Thanksgiving together during this month, and decided to stay at home and just be together as a family. The day after Thanksgiving, I cooked a "traditional" meal for some of Mel's family, though, who came to visit for a few hours. Daddy and Mommy also celebrated their 8th anniversary this month, and did so with a nice family lunch and trip to Wal-Mart... ha ha... :)
Lydia is realizing that the weather is starting to change and she does not get to spend nearly as much time out doors. She often tells us that "it's too coooold..." to go outside! She is really beginning to pick up other skills, however, including being able to complete more complicated puzzles without assistance, and is improving with her letter recognition. She is also learning to form certain letters, which for now include "L", "D" and "O" and enjoys "drawing" all kinds of pictures, especially with markers! Another favorite activity for Lydia is Play-Doh; she will literally play with it for an hour or more! It is fun to watch her imagination at work with these different activities. Lydia has always loved music, but lately, she is definitely enjoying her own style of "dancing" with some of her favorite tunes and DVDs (mostly "Veggie Tales"). She continues to love to read and look at books and we often hear her "reading" to the congregation of stuffed animals and dolls which accompany her to bed each night! These are just a few of the many ways our little girl brings us joy each day!