Loving Playing in the Sand!
Looking at the Otters!
Lydia and Brittany!
The girls: Brittany and Denise and Lydia and Heather
What a busy month June was! I was able to wrap up another year of teaching part time, and we were able to enjoy a few days away at Emerald Isle, NC, with my sister and her daughter. Lydia loved to play in the sand, but still wasn't a big fan of the ocean! Nevertheless, she had tons of fun at the beach, and also enjoyed going to the aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores. We also had a few impromtu beach pics taken while we were there ... some of them are posted below.
Lydia continues to love to learn and we are thankful for that! She has most definitely mastered the upper case alphabet and is on her way with the lower case letters. She is also able to recognize numbers 1 - 12, and we are working on numbers through 20. She also enjoys puzzles and games, and doing just about anything outside! Each day is a blessing!
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